Desktop Computers

We are proud to offer custom designed Personal Computers for all usage scenarios including home theater, gaming, home server, and office. No matter whether you need heavy amounts of school work done, fast and fluid communication, or are looking to play the newest games at the highest settings, a well-performing desktop computer is an invaluable asset.

We can help you achieve the best price-to-performance ratio of the day or build the cutting edge behemoth you’ve been dreaming of. Fan controllers, liquid cooling, redundant (RAID) drive configuration, solid state bootable drive, high quality responsive input devices suited to your usage scenario, spacious sturdy cases, lighting, wall mounted displays, speakers and surround sound, cable management, custom cabinets and enclosures, and of course all the ram, cpu cores, and graphics cards you can handle converge to create the perfect computer for years to come while offering plenty of upgrade potential.

We are able to offer essentially unlimited customizations and are happy to provide free consultations and estimates to help get you exactly what you are looking for.
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